Sunday, October 31, 2010


heloooo(: well its sunday sitting at my bestfriends house(: watching spongebob. First of all, this weekend was amazinngggg! we finally finished the book, How to kill a mocking bird , i really enjoyed the book but glad it is finally over. i wished the movie could of been longer, also Boo Radley did NOT look scary at all ! haha(: i had waaaay too much homework too do this weekend. And oops .. i forgot too do it except that im sitting here writing this blog.
   School had been super duper boring! were starting the second quarter and i have been doing alright the last one but hopefully ill do better the next so i wont get my fone taken away :/ .. Again . but ow well im getting it back today ! yay! finally i can start texting again . (Dont worry Mr. Potter i wont text in yur class..maybe) just kidding! well im super bored writing this so im gunna go watch spongebob and eat ice cream weeee(: bye !

1 comment:

  1. Lol, you better not text in my class...You got it taken away for texting in class?
