Monday, February 28, 2011

Gone .

I woke up at 5:30 am that morning to get ready for school, the sky was dark and gray, and everyone was still asleep. I had 3 family members, my sisters both 16 and my mother. This morning was strange, there was no noise and everyone was still asleep. I went into my sister Anna’s room, I was yelling trying to wake her up, but she did not respond she didn’t even move or make noise. My mother has not gotten out of bed either, she didn’t move at all either. I looked at the clock and it was still 5:30 am, the time stood still. I thought to myself, ‘is this real? Am I dreaming? What is going on?
I turned on the TV but nothing was on. Time still stood same. Was everyone in deep sleep, or dead? I walked outside, all of the lights were out and the houses’ were dark, the entire city was dark and empty. Later, I walked to my friend Roni’s house , the lights were on, I knocked on the door; no answer. As I started walking away, the door crept open. I heard a quiet, soft voice come from inside. “Whose this?” said Roni                                                                                                                                                           “It’s jess, I was…”                                                                                                                                                                         the door swung open and she ran out crying and yelling                                                                                                                        “What happened?” I exclaimed. She started crying and she could barely speak. Roni told me to go inside and see for myself. I stepped inside, the house was a wreck. Her parents were laying on the floor dead. I ran back outside to find Roni missing. I tried to find her but there was no sign of her anywhere. I was losing hope, I thought I was going to be stuck in this world full of death and nothing! I did not want to be here, I wanted my friends back. But there was nothing else I could do. I went back home and went to bed, I fell asleep fast and woke up to nothing, I hoped my mother would be there as I woke up, asking me what I dreamed about, and this was not a dream, it was still 5:30 am and no one home but me, everyone vanished. I did not want to be stuck in this world any longer. It has been 20 years, and I still wake up to nothingness.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Movies Blog !

     One of the best movies I have ever seen would have to be; Unstoppable and Step Brothers.
Unstoppable is an amazing !! action movie. I did not expect it to be that great but it was, i liked all the action and everything was really unexpected and all of the twists and the unexpected characters which made this movie so interesting.
     Also, Step brothers is maybe a bit of a better movie. i LOVE will farrell and comedies' are my favorite type of movies, maybe its because it makes you laugh or puts me in a good mood. and it was hilarious seeing two middle aged guys being so cometitive!
     But ... these are just two of my favorite action and comedy . My favorite Mystery OR Crime is; The Departed, and my dad thinks it to violent for me (Not) .

Sunday, February 6, 2011


My Sister !

       I have one bratty little sister, which i love too death ! My sister is 11 years old and she a a hastle and very hard to deal with.  it is not easy growing up with her .  She has the loudest mouth and shes very mean but i guess i can not blame her ! i wanted a brother but oh well . (HaHa) she can be sweet but she will do whatever too get what she wants .  But this is what sisters are for, annoying the older one and trying too act grown up. Dont even ask her about sports , all she does is eat, sleep and steal my phone, and tries too get me in trouble. But as much as a brat she is , i dont think i could ask for her to change. MAYBE.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


       My favorite cartoons of all time are Family Guy and spongebob squarepants! Their funny and about really random all the time , and even though my parents wont let me watch Family guy it is still funny and im guessing alot of kids are not allowed to watch it eaither but they are really addicting and Spongebob is funny , and random , and weird and there is no way of finding out how old sponge bob or patric is, i mean spongebob has a job but he acts like he is 5 anyways  and patric just does nothing but sleep under his rock .

Wednesday, January 19, 2011



    So i lost count of how many blogs i posted already , but i like it better then other classes and having too do work because if you dont have homework, well i can nott explain it but i learn better by just sitting in class then going home and doing homework becausee i forget about it and dont do it and in class teachers can explain everything and do stuff in class instead of going home & doingg workk . well either way thats how all classes should be and i think kids would learn better and it would be waaaaay easier (: bye.

End of semester

    finally end of semester, done with it and grades turned in and hopufully their better then last 2 quarters. Even though none of my schedule is going too change im just going too have gym which is horrible because i would way rather be sitting at a desk and reading then having too run and stuff , also gym has too have an exam , who needs an exam for gym? you run, play games and then take an exam. buttt oooh well if i get it done then i would not have it the next 2 years of my high school so it easier to get it done early then have too make it up or do it senior year .

responce ..




   There we go again, me tlking about random stuff on these blogs, (mr.potter you should tell us a topic each week about these blogs that we would have too do im running out of ideas). So, school has been pretty good, but annoying, some teachers really act like little kids (not you Mr.potter yr my favorite teacher XP) well not looking at teachers who act like immature kids, schools alright im just wishing i could be a senior right now and graduate because i dont learn anything in school and all i do is sleep in class and get in trouble,  but thats just some teachers . (: kbye

Exams .

    finally exams again, i love exams because you dont have too go too class and yuu just take an exam and go too McDonalds . well maybe thats just me & my friends but i never have 3 exams so me & my friends do faygo showers in the mcds parking lot but at least the managers dont mind(: . well , other exaams went well , kinda.. im hoping this English exam wont be that hard couse some classes had hard exams . so, i hope i pass, raise my grade, and go too mcds and do faygo showers . this blog post has been really random, (:

(: englishhhh

     School is boring , so im posting this blog because i did not do them so i think i should. Well i like this class i think its pretty cool and i liked that we were reading stories and listening too the audio story about some crazy lady killing people? well i thought i was scary but then it was funny couse the crazy lady ... was crazy , so i think she was from an asylum or something which, is not funny, but the story was so oooh well. now from reading this story im thinking people do need too keep a gun and extra gas in their car , and maybe a blanket. i hope after exams we do more reading because i hate doing essays & projects and stuff . And this class is way more fun because other teachers are boring & not funny. kbye(: